Vibrations in Non-Ordinary Reality

Posts tagged “precession of the equinoxes

December 21, 2012: BALANCE FOR ALL

If it has felt like you have been on an emotional and vibrational roller-coaster this 2012, there is a simple explanation. The “precession of the equinoxes” is a 26 thousand year astronomic cycle of the Earth.

the-precession-of-the-equinoxesFor 13 thousand years (one half) of this cycle there is a positive (light) polarization. The remaining 13 thousand year duration there is a negative (dark) polarization. The repetition of positive-negative cycling results in an “oscillation” (light-dark-light-dark).

The Earth is now coming out of the negative (dark) portion of this oscillating cycle, and is approaching the positive (light) polarized portion of the oscillation.

There will be no cataclysm. There has been an ongoing  dissemination of erroneous information regarding the nature of this phenomenon and the date December 21, 2012.

A good example is Edgar Cayce’s “pole shift” prediction (see below) given on August 11, 1936 (reading # 826-8).

“Question: What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.?”
“Answer: When there is a shifting of the poles; or a new cycle begins.”

Although his prediction was completely accurate, it’s literal meaning was misinterpreted and subsequently used in a  campaign of misinformation.

The truth of the matter is that there is a “singularity” that will occur on December 21, 2012. (This is the “Zero-Point” discussed by the late Terence McKenna.)

Time is a “Binary Fractal” (not a linear/sequential-point straight line, as many people have been lead to conceptualize.) This time fractal  is in the shape of a spiral which has a progressive oscillation. This spiral has a downward trajectory, and oscillates in a spiraling motion, circling faster and faster as it descends (just like one of those coin “Spiral Wishing Wells”  (see video link) that you see at the supermarket.


The technical aspects of the approaching singularity can be found on Wikipedia, here. The “Zero-Point” of singularity occurs when the binary oscillation (1/0) reaches the speed of equal duration. This will occur on December 21, 2012.

Many ancient cultures were aware this approaching date of singularity, and they understood the science of what was occurring completely. They wisely encoded their knowledge of this algorithm into their sacred buildings and calenders for later generations to discover, should the information disappear from “common knowledge.”

Examples of this indigenous wisdom can be found in the Mayan “Tzolkin” calender, the ancient Chinese divinatory system known as the “King-Wen sequence I-Ching”, and in the dimensionally encoded pathways of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt.

The phenomenon of singularity is somewhat counter-intuitive, as it is occurs on all levels of nature, from the infinite to the infinitely small. This multi-denominational aspect of Singularity accounts for the reason why many people can feel that “something” is going on…

The Quantum dimension is also affected by Singularity. This Quantum level is not located within “Space-Time”, however it is very real and is actually the dimension which allows for our own physical existence. It is the dimension of all things “Etheric” (spiritual). This is the reason why we feel the roller-coaster effects of singularity on ALL levels.

As we head into a new age as a collective, we can choose to celebrate our successful navigation through the last 13 thousand years of dark-oscillation and look forward to an AMAZING age to come!

You are recognized with gratitude! Namaste!