Vibrations in Non-Ordinary Reality

Posts tagged “nonfiction

Book Review: Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel


The following is my review of Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel. Thank you to Dr. Joseph Burkes for recommending it as a UFO “must read.”

Printed Citation:
Operation Trojan Horse, John A. Keel, Putnam Books, 1970 and 1996 with minor additions. Original edition: 349 pages, ISBN: 978-0962653469

Operation Trojan Horse, John A. Keel, Anomalist Books, May 15, 2013, Second edition: 356 pages, ISBN: 978-1938398032

Digital Citation:
Keel, John A. Operation Trojan Horse. N.p.: Standard Copyright License, 26 Sept. 2011. PDF. 285 Pages, 3.69 MB

Operation Trojan Horse is the culmination of author John Keel’s arduous and successful attempt to quantify the data that constitutes the “UFO phenomenon.” Keel’s unusual and thorough approach to the study of UFO sightings produces objective, empirical data proving that there are significant patterns in the UFO phenomenon. Study of these patterns allowed Keel to dismiss the superficial aspects of UFO sightings which are often the focus of UFO investigations. Ultimately, without the gross of misinterpreted information to deter his focus, Keel was able to recognize important insights and make connections which lead him to assert that UFO’s and their surrounding phenomenon are the result of a “Paraphysical” intelligence that has existed on Earth since time immemorial.

OTH outlines over four years of Keel’s personal investigations which commenced in 1966 when he began subscribing to a number of various newspaper clipping services. As the initial reports started to come in he was surprised to find he was receiving as many as 150 reports of UFO sightings per day.

Although Keel was careful to dismiss the discrepant aspects of UFO Sightings which he considered irrelevant, there were reoccurring details in the reports which he considered important and helped to convince him of the reliability of the information. These obscure details were included in a myriad of sporadic reports which came from a wide variety of people, locations and time-frames. Keel realized that nobody, including UFO organizations or other ufologists were cross-referencing these reports. Many of the articles were being published in small town newspapers and the likelihood of cross-contaminated information explaining the similarity of those certain details was negligible.

Although Keel was ardent in documenting any and all of the reported UFO incidents, he was especially interested in the occurrence of UFO “flaps” (numerous sightings occurring simultaneously in many widely scattered areas.) It was through Keel’s study of thousands of newspaper reports, and by traveling to flap areas in order to interview witnesses personally that he began to see patterns in the phenomenon. Accordingly, he began to classify the seemingly random reports and interviews into statistical information.

Keel classified the UFO Sightings into two types: Low flying, physical-looking or “hard” objects were labeled as Type I; High altitude objects performing in a controlled manner which were distinct from known conventional aircraft were labeled Type II or “soft” objects. Soft objects are reported far more frequently than hard objects and comprise the majority of UFO sightings.

Keel then organized sightings by date which led him to deduce that the sightings were more likely to occur on certain days of the week, specifically Wednesdays and Thursdays. These sightings typically occurred during the hours of 8p.m. to 11p.m. By plotting the geographical locations of sightings he was next able to determine the puzzling fact that UFO flaps tend to occur within the geographical boundaries of state lines.
According to Keel’s research, the peak “Wednesday phenomenon” of UFO sightings and their odd adherence to geographical boundaries proved to hold up throughout his research and was even found to be consistent in other countries. These peculiar trends displayed by the UFOs illustrate a “performance-like” quality which would require an intelligent agent with great control over its “staged” exhibitions. Keel writes:

“Does this sound like the work of Martians or extraterrestrial strangers? Or does it sound like the work of someone who is using our maps and our calendars, and may therefore, know a great deal more about us, even though we know little about “them”?”

Keel next continued to examine and outline the history of UFO flap phenomenon beginning in the late 1890’s through the 1960’s. He pointed out that the first instances of what we know as the UFO phenomenon in the late 1800’s were explained as being “airships” (Zeppelin type craft) that were supposedly being tested and piloted across the country by terrestrial folk.

Each new wave of flaps that occurred throughout the subsequent years would change in composition, including witnesses who detailed accounts that reconciled the passing of time and historical events, took into account technological updates, new human innovations and growing social sophistication. The theme of the flaps would change according to the times and it was not until relatively recently that the idea that UFOs are vehicles used for travel by non-terrestrial entities (space aliens) was even considered.

After Keel came to the realization that the connection between alien beings and UFOs was only the most contemporary addition to the plethora of evolving themes connected to the phenomenon, he proceeded to further research the similarities between paranormal activity and UFO sightings. One example he detailed were the many cases of people who experienced tingling sensations and burns from contact with UFOs. There is a well documented precedent of supernatural phenomenon causing the same exact symptoms on affected individuals, such as ghost hunters who are assaulted by unseen assailants and inexplicably exhibit “scratches” which they complain of as a burning sensation.

Keel explains that in both cases the burns are caused by Ultraviolet rays, emphasizing that both UFOs and paranormal entities take advantage of the electromagnetic spectrum of waves in order to manifest themselves in different ways. He elaborates on this possibility by pointing out that the tendency for UFOs to display a variety of colored lights could readily be explained as the UFO fluctuating between frequencies or utilizing various ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum to illuminate.

Through comparative analysis of his statistical data, historical accounts of the UFO flap phenomenon and the similarities to known Paraphysical phenomenon, Keel was able to present a convincing argument that the theme of “alien invaders” is likely just another variation on the multitude of themes that the phenomenon presents itself as, and more closely resembles the equally mysterious, but autochthonous paranormal activity that has been produced on our planet throughout history.

Although, in my opinion no single theory or book can sum up the UFO phenomenon as a whole, I must admit that my own personal experiences with both the paranormal and UFOs fit well within Keel’s postulations. I recommend Operation Trojan Horse to anyone interested in the mystery of UFOs, especially those who steadfastly believe that UFOs are physical vehicles for extraterrestrial travel, as OTH might impart a new perspective to ponder.

An Enigmatic Friendship

Sometime during late 2006 I had a dream.

It was late night and I was in an unknown neighborhood that seemed vaguely familiar. I was alone and leaving an unknown residence. My objective was to reach my vehicle that I could see parked a block and a half across the street from where I was. The streets were empty but ominous. I nervously started jogging toward my truck. I reached the first street corner. The homeowner of the corner house was halfway through installing a new fence around the perimeter of the front yard. The unused pickets were lying in a pile near the sidewalk. Without stopping stride, I reached down and grabbed a wooden picket fencepost from the pile.

Suddenly, a threatening figure exploded onto the scene immediately in front of me, out of the fabric of some other existence, and into the reality of my dream. It was just as if you were watching a movie at a theater and someone busted through the screen to attack you. I was no longer just dreaming. I was under an astral attack.

The figure was a tall, slender, black youth. He attacked with ferocity and I was tentatively constrained in a matter of seconds. I looked down to witness him aiming a hypodermic needle toward me. He attempted to grasp my wrist and was trying to aim the needle at my index finger. I used this opportunity to attack my attacker with the fencepost I had grabbed from the yard just an instant before he arrived. I slammed the post into the side of his head.

Taken by surprise, he loosened his grip for an instant. Free from his constraints I was able to wake up and free myself from the astral assault. I woke up terrified, sitting up immediately in a rush of panic. I was breathing rapidly and sweating.

Even after waking, I remained afraid. I was aware of the real-life, physical-world dangers of astral projection attacks. There was not a doubt in my mind that if the perpetrator had been successful in completing his objective, I would have been screwed in real life. I don’t know exactly what the consequences would have been; I just know they would have been dire.

It was not only the attack and its implications that scared me so thoroughly. Before I woke I got a quick look at his face. His eyes were large, almond shaped, and completely black. It was more than disconcerting; it was terrifying. He looked like a young African American grey alien.

I pored over every detail of the astral incident and my attacker. I remembered that he wore saggy dark blue jeans, a dark-red over-sized T-shirt, and a black knit beanie hat. He was in his late teens or early twenties; and those eyes… I profusely searched the Internet for information on black-eyed people and black-eyed children, never finding anything that could help explain his identity or motives. I especially could not figure out why the attacker was trying to inject my index finger with the needle. Why my finger?

I described the dream/incident to my husband, Mike on numerous occasions over the next couple of years. I tried to emphasize to him the seriousness of the attack and the outcome had it been successful. At first he was incredulous. He suggested that it was just a nightmare and that I was overreacting. Eventually he conceded that something serious must have happened, due to my insistence that the incident was important and because I was not usually prone to exaggeration. Despite his belief he was unable to help me decipher the mysterious attack.

Three years passed. During that time Mike and I moved from Byron, California to El Sobrante, California. It was in El Sobrante that I began to experience very strange phenomenon on a regular basis. Late one night I decide to treat our housemate and a couple of his guests to some fast food. It was about one in the morning and our housemate volunteered to drive.

I was sitting in the backseat of his car as we approached the corner of San Pablo Dam Rd. The Camperland RV sales lot was on the right-hand side of the road. As I looked toward the lot I was astonished to see a large cloud descending steadily from the sky. It was the only cloud visible in the area and it was hovering above the RV sales lot.

skullThis was not any ordinary cloud. This cloud looked like an alien skull wearing a football helmet.

As my housemate rounded the corner of San Pablo Dam Rd. the skull cloud actually turned, so that it was facing the car the entire time. (It reminded me of the holographic heads in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland which seem like they are facing you, no matter where you are standing…)

I mumbled out loud “Whoa. Do you see that?” Nobody heard me however, as they were all chatting away about something else. We proceeded to the ‘Jack in the Box’ drive through, and then made the return trip home. The cloud was not there anymore.

When we got back home I immediately told Mike about the strange experience and even drew him a sketch of the cloud apparition. He was as mystified as I was and we had no explanation for the event. By this time I was starting to get used to inexplicable events with no obvious rhyme or reason, so I just filed it away in my mental “weird-files.”

Fast-forward ten months. Mike and I had decided to move back to the Delta but we were still making regular trips to the Bay Area, especially to spend time at our friend Jeremy’s music studio, 23rd Street Productions. I had been helping him with business issues involved with his studio so that he could concentrate on music production and teaching.

Mike and I met young people from all over the Bay Area as they would come through the studio to record their music. This was how we met a young man called ‘Moody’. He was enthusiastic about rap music and started frequenting the studio on a regular basis, which was okay with Jeremy who was always proactive about keeping young people off the streets.

One day Mike and I walked in the studio and Moody was sitting on the couch. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with his sleeves rolled up. I could see several tattoos on his arms that I had never noticed before. To my surprise one of these images was familiar to me.

“Look Mike!” I exclaimed, before thinking about it…

”Look at his skull tattoo! That looks exactly like the cloud that I told you about in El Sobrante!” For some reason this seemed to fluster Moody and he immediately covered the tattoo up with his sleeve. He glanced up at me guiltily and then looked away. He did not say a word.

“Strange!” I thought to myself, but I felt bad for possibly embarrassing him for whatever unknown reason. I dismissed the whole incident from my mind.

Over the next few months we got to know Moody more. He was generally well liked by others but had an eccentric and idiosyncratic personality. For some reason he seemed to take a liking to me and insisted on calling me “sister”. I hadn’t noticed until Mike pointed it out, but Moody always made a habit of touching me in some small way or another, on my leg or shoulder. This bothered Mike who ended up confronting him about it.

“You wouldn’t want me touching your girl all the time like that, right?!” he told Moody one evening. “I’d appreciate it if you would keep your hands off of her.”

“Oh, it’s not like that!” was Moody’s reply. “She’s my sister, right?” He asked me.

“Sure.” I answered, glancing at Mike.

“Hands off.” Mike reiterated.

Time passed and I started to notice how the environment at the studio seemed strange more and more often. It was always when Moody was around. There seemed to be some kind of pervasive “energy” that would encompass the studio and the people there.

It was at these times that people’s physical features and characteristics appeared to change and several people at a time would take on the same “look”. They would appear to be squinting their eyes and their hair would be “slicked back”, more than normal. They would also appear to be scrutinizing you as they talked and would lean toward you from the waist forward, coming uncomfortably close into your personal space when talking to you. These people, especially Moody, could almost be described as “feline” looking when this phenomenon occurred.

Mike noticed these strange occurrences immediately as well, but he was not the only one. There was one other young person, Dustin who noticed something strange was going on, too. “WHAT IS THAT?!?” He asked Mike and me one afternoon. We knew exactly what he was talking about but had no explanation either.

It was during this general time that I began getting informative “downloads” and direct communication from an unknown source. I began calling that source “the Spiritual People.” I had not forgotten about the astral attack that had occurred years earlier and I was given a “lead” regarding the incident:

– Look at your finger closely. Why was the attacker trying to inject your right-hand index finger?

I looked at my finger very closely. This is symbol is what I found.





-This symbol is important. It has to do with a past life. Research this symbol.

So, I researched the symbol on the Internet and found that it  represented some kind of ancient priesthood from Hierakonpolis in pre-dynastic Egypt that existed as early as 3200 BC. I could not find any further information about the symbol.

-You were a member of the Right-hand of Nekhen. (Horus) This is why he was attempting to inject your symbol.

Okay. I still did not know what that meant, but I guess it is better than nothing.

Soon after, one morning in October of 2010, I woke up thinking about the Book of Revelation in the Bible. That day happened to be the day that Mike’s niece was being baptized. As the day proceeded I began to worry about Revelations more and more. I had no obvious reason for feeling this way, but the feeling was pervasive.

As I began to eat breakfast I was overcome by a powerful feeling. I knew the Spiritual People were present.

-Do not be afraid of Revelations, Stacey. There is no need to worry.

I felt somewhat better and tried to put thoughts of the scripture out of my mind. For some reason however, by the time noon rolled around I was thinking about it again. I could not help the feeling of nervousness that overcame me.

-Stacey, there is no reason to worry about Revelations. Do not worry about Revelations.

Once more I attempted to dismiss the subject from my mind, but by evening I had inevitably started pondering the seemingly ominous mysteries of Revelations, again. I wondered, why can’t I stop worrying about something that I have never thought about twice before?


After receiving this detailed message I felt genuine relief and was finally able to put thoughts of Revelations from my mind. Mike and I decided to take a drive to the studio. On the way there I told him about the strange experiences I was having that day. He listened attentively, but once again had no idea why I might have been experiencing such things. Maybe it had something to do with his nieces’ baptism, we took a wild guess.

Upon arriving at the studio I was the first to walk through the front door. Immediately Moody grabbed my right hand and pulled me to the center of the room. It was like everyone in the room was entranced and were looking at the both of us. Moody had that strange feline look about him again.

Without letting go, he lifted my hand up to chest level and held it there. His eyes locked with mine and he began quoting verbatim from the Book of Revelations:

“And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last.”

He then let my hand go and the spell was broken. I glanced at Mike and he shrugged. Everyone went back to what they were doing. I sat down and started chatting with Jeremy about studio affairs. It was like the whole thing never happened. I never mentioned the incident to Moody or asked him what it was all about. I figured it was a moot point, or maybe I was afraid to hear what he might have said.

Several weeks later Mike and I were visiting the Bay Area over the weekend. We had plans for both Saturday and Sunday in the area so we decided to stay at the studio overnight. Early Saturday evening we had dinner with an old friend and met his new girlfriend. We had a nice time and then left for the studio.

It was a chaotic Saturday night at the studio. Multitudes of artists were in and out constantly. The energy of the environment and everyone in it seemed to be mounting, becoming more volatile with each passing moment. The feeling was physically palpable and I could literally feel a crescendo of pressure building to a manic level.

I decided to go outside to get some fresh air and Mike followed me out. Moody was parked outside in front of the studio; somehow he had gotten a hold of a sports car. He was acting fanatical and was speeding up and down the street, peeling out and burning rubber.

After he finished talking to a group of artists leaving the studio, he got out of the car, leaned on the driver’s side door, and put his arms on the roof, facing us. He asked me and Mike if we would come with him to run some kind of errand. My alarm bells went off loudly and I promptly declined for the both of us. He unsuccessfully tried to persuade us to go with him one more time. “Suit yourselves…” he said and peeled away loudly.

We went back inside. There were just a few people left in the studio. We finally had a place to sit down and I could hear myself think for a moment. No sooner had I sat down than I had a “revelation.” It was a good thing that I was sitting because I felt my knees go weak. “Oh my God…” was all I could say.

“What?” asked Mike.

I looked at him wide eyed and replied, “The dream. It was Moody!”

Somehow, without any elaboration Mike immediately knew what I was talking about. His eyes got as wide as mine and he exclaimed “Holy shit!”

I sat for a moment feeling numb and a little unstable. It was his outfit. I must have subconsciously noticed what he was wearing when we went outside minutes earlier. Just as in the astral incident four years earlier, he was wearing saggy dark blue jeans, a dark-red over-sized T-shirt, and a black knit beanie hat. Moody was tall, slender, African American and Puerto Rican, 21 years old.

Mike looked at me and said decisively, “Change of plans, we have to get out of here.” I agreed that was probably a good idea. The walls of the studio felt as if they were closing in on us. A new group of people arrived to record. The energy level had not diffused any and the place felt frenzied.

Mike and I had nowhere to go so we just drove around for awhile. The excitement of the studio seemed to have poured out into the streets of Richmond. It was a very strange night. There were people everywhere and police whizzed by sporadically, trying to keep pace with the evening’s activity.

We decided to pull over on an unfamiliar residential street and just take a breather. We were running low on gas and we were getting nowhere fast; Best to pull over and think for a moment.

“What the hell is going on tonight?” Mike exclaimed in wonder. “Something really weird is happening!”

“So your dream, it was Moody?!” he then asked, but I could tell that he already knew it was true. There was not a glimmer of doubt in his eyes. In the car the energy surrounding us was as intense as ever, building and pulsing.

“Yes.” I said, and proceeded to recount the story of the dream and astral attack, one more time. “It was definitely him…”

Then it burst like a dam.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Mike yelled, “CAN YOU FEEL THAT?!”

At first I wasn’t sure what he meant. All I knew was that I was literally gripping the sides of the seat I was sitting in with both hands, as tight as I could as if I was holding on for dear life. Then I realized what he was talking about.


I could actually feel a tingling force of energy descend swiftly down upon me, like a wave crashing over my head. As this happened the atmospheric pressure in the car seemed to increase exponentially and breathing became a little more difficult. It lasted for a moment or two and then I felt the pressure dissipate.

This was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Everything was reeling and I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. I looked to my left, past where Mike was sitting in the drivers’ seat. My heart dropped into my stomach. This could not be happening.

“That house…the fence…”I stammered. I tried to point directly across the street from where we were parked. My arm was weak and my hand was shaking as I did so. Mike looked over and then quickly back at me.


BOOM! Another tingling explosive wave of energy broke over us, before I could nod in affirmation.

“HERE IT COMES AGAIN!” Mike exclaimed, and yet another intense wave of energy broke over our heads, before the previous one even dissipated. It felt like I was drowning in an ocean of energy.

“We are leaving.” Mike declared as he started the car.

As he began to drive off I took a good look at the house on the corner and the surrounding street. It was beyond a doubt the exact same house with the picket fence on the exact same street that was in my dream four years earlier. Somehow I knew that if I could ask the owner of the house when the fence was built, they would of have said 2006. It looked as if it was just a few years old…

We made one more stop that night, before deciding to cut the weekend trip short and head home early. We sat in a parking lot for a few minutes to discuss everything that was occurring. The ocean of energy was still present but more subdued than before.

One of the strangest aspects of the whole thing was, that each time a “wave” of energy broke over us, Mike and I would have simultaneous, epiphany-like realizations regarding individual people and their dynamic “roles” in relationship to one another, the studio, and in general. Even more odd, was that we were effortlessly coming to the exact same conclusion, finishing each other’s sentences and thoughts regarding each person.

Whatever influence was allowing these insights to happen was definitely related to the waves of tangible energy and was certainly anomalous in nature.

After that night Mike and I decided to limit the amount of time we spent at the studio, and did not visit again for over a month. We now had the unsettling feeling that the studio was inherently dangerous, at least for the time being.

In the interim, I had a curious dream involving Moody.

It was some other time and place. I was in an opulent manor-type estate or possibly a castle. I was wearing a medieval period dress. I was being held against my will on the ground floor of the estate by Moody, who seemed to be some type of nobility or gentry. Assisting him was some other unknown man, who apparently worked for Moody. Although I was being treated with cordiality, I knew that it was a ruse and I rebuffed Moody’s attempt at pleasantries. This frustrated him and he stormed off to some unknown location.

I used this opportunity to escape the room I was being held in; however the only place to go was up to the second floor. My family was also of high status and there was some type of ongoing feud between the two families. I knew that my loved ones were desperately trying to find me. I also knew that they would not likely be successful, due to the remote and secret location that I had been brought to.

As I perched on the ledge of a second story open window, I savored for just a moment the breathtaking beauty of the forest and mountains which lay beyond the perfectly manicured grounds of the estate. I knew what I must do. There was a short yell from a figure who rushed toward me from behind.

I woke with a start. I knew that I must have jumped from the window, in my dream. I felt strangely unsettled all day. Toward late afternoon I felt the sensation of multiple presences with me, which sometimes happened when I received “downloads” of information or before bilateral communication experiences occurred.

-Stacey. We hate to bother you with this, but we felt that we had to ask. There are those who have always wondered…Did you jump or were you pushed?

“I think I jumped.” I answered, surprised by the question.

-Oh! Okay. Thank you for your honesty. That must have been a terrifying experience. We just needed to know.

Weird. This question had all kinds of implications connected to it and I began pondering all of them. Was my dream really a dream, or was it a memory? How did the Spiritual People know about the event and why did they not know the ending? How long have the Spiritual People been “involved” with me and what was their relationship to me? Who the heck was Moody and what was his relationship to me?

After a month had passed, I got a call from Jeremy. He asked if I could help him with some paperwork and various other business he needed done at the studio. Not wanting to leave my friend hanging, I consented. Mike and I left for the studio the next morning. I would try to complete what needed to be done in one day and we would be extra cautious, we agreed.

We spent the day completing the necessary tasks at the studio. The majority of our time there seemed normal and calm. Moody arrived in the late afternoon and kept busy working on his music most of the time. As evening approached, I worked on the last of the paperwork and showed Jeremy how to do some data entry on the computer. Mike and Moody were conversing amicably.

I looked over to my right at the window of the studio and saw something rather bizarre. It looked like a reflection of two distorted faces that were blended together. I looked at the apparition carefully but could not discern what it was, what was causing it, or where it was coming from. I continued working.

About ten minutes later I looked at the window again. The apparition was still there, only it had moved approximately a foot to the right. By this time the sunlight had started to fade substantially outside and I could see that the faces had an eerie self-luminescence. I got Mikes attention and asked “Do you see that?” but he apparently did not. I continued working.

Twenty minutes passed and I was finally finishing up everything that needed to be done. I could hear Mike and Moody talking about something, but I was concentrating on what Jeremy and I were doing so I didn’t hear any details.

“Moody says that you are the blood of Christ, Stacey.” I heard Mike say from behind me.

“What?” I asked distractedly. “Well, my name comes from Anastasia, which means the resurrection of Christ.” I offered.

“Yes, she is the blood of Jesus the Christ.” I heard Moody say.

I looked up at the window to see the amalgamation of faces glowing brightly and steadily approaching the middle section of the window, which spanned the length of the wall. Had it grown bigger? I could not tell, but it was making me nervous by now. “I need to get away from the slow carousel.” I told Mike, not sure exactly why I called the apparition that.
We said our goodbyes and took leave of the studio.

That was the last time we ever saw Moody. He was shot and killed not long after that by a gunman at some house in Richmond. The police were not sure what happened. Nobody was ever caught or prosecuted.

Extraordinarily, that was not the last time I heard from Moody though. Approximately a year after his passing I was standing inside of a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant, waiting for my order. There were several people standing nearby also waiting for their food. There was a crackling interference noise coming from the speakers just feet above my head. To me the noise was very loud. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed it but nobody seemed to hear it or were not paying any attention if they did.

Then I heard someone began to speak. It was coming from the speakers, which continued to crackle noisily.

“Stacey! It’s Moody! It’s mother fucking Moody!” I heard.

Whoa, I thought. And then I heard it again.

“Stacey! Can you hear me? It’s mother fucking Moody!”

I grabbed my drink and meal and ran outside to where Mike was waiting in the car. Excitedly I told him about what had just happened.

“Yeah, that sounds like something he would say.” Mike responded. “What a trip.”

“Yeah, he always was a trip.” Was all I could say…

To be honest I would not be surprised if our paths end up crossing again someday. I have a feeling that if they do, it will prove to be an interesting experience.


MoodyMoody displaying the Vitarka Mudra (Intellectual Argument or Discussion) or possibly the Jnana Mudra (Divine Teaching).The circle formed by the thumb and index finger is Dharmachakra (the Wheel of Law) which depicts the cycle of human rebirth.

My Husband “Eats Crow”…

One day in early 2011, I had an interesting experience involving Crows.

Carrion Crow (Corvus Corone) Apart from the Raven the Carrion Crow is the largest member of the Crow family. Unlike Rooks, which live together in large numbers, Crows live either in pairs or in threes.  (Photo credit Wikipedia)

Carrion Crow (Corvus Corone) Apart from the Raven the Carrion Crow is the largest member of the Crow family. Unlike Rooks, which live together in large numbers, Crows live either in pairs or in threes. (Photo credit Wikipedia)

My morning routine normally involved a house full of people, so the morning was already unusual. That morning I was left alone, everyone having somewhere else to be.

Still lying in bed just after waking-up, my attention was drawn to a congregation of Crows which were gathered toward the back of my house. These Crows were making a deafening ruckus cawing and crowing, which they seemed to be directing at my bedroom window.

“Weird.” I thought, but I brushed it off. It was not unusual to see a Crow or two around my home, as my residence was near rural farmland…

As the morning progressed, it became obvious that the Crows were following me. As I migrated from the back of the house toward the front of the house to the kitchen, the Crows moved from the back yard to the front of the house, as well.

I peered out of the kitchen window at them, and their cawing seemed to lessen in intensity as if they knew they had gotten my attention.

“Weird.” I thought, again.

Morning turned into early afternoon, and I went out to check the mailbox. At this point I knew that whatever was happening with the Crows was not my just my imagination.

I ventured outside to witness a group of twenty or more Crows  amassed across from the driveway where I stood. They were all perched atop of a huge Pine tree that sat in my neighbors yard. There were a few others here and there, sitting on telephone poles and on the roof of my other neighbors house.

There was not a soul in sight, and the street was eerily quiet.

“CAWWWWW!” One single Crow crowed at me with obvious deliberate intent. The rest of the birds remained completely silent.

“Oh, What do you want!?” I called back. Frustrated and a somewhat unnerved, I returned to the house without an answer.

A little later my husband, Mike arrived home for a few minutes, before having to leave again. Strangely, the entire time that Mike was home there was not a Crow to be seen or heard anywhere in the vicinity. I casually mentioned to him that there had been Crows harassing me and received the “Uh, huh.” I expected in reply.

That evening Mike and I drove to visit some friends, Ernie and Grace who lived about an hour and a half away. When we arrived, they were entertaining some other friends, who we were unacquainted with. After everyone was introduced, Grace exclaimed..

“What a coincidence you guys showed up now! We were just showing off some of the artwork you were doing for the coloring-book!”

At the time I was drawing some artwork to be included in an “Indigenous Sacred Beliefs” coloring-book. I had used the following picture from the Mayan Dresden Codices as one of my templates for a coloring page in the book, and it was the one that they had been showing to their visitors when we arrived.

Book of Mormon Evidence: Tree Planted in Heart

According to the information I had researched about the image, the bird at the top of the tree was suppose to represent a Quetzal, the sacred bird of the Meso-Americans. However, ever since drawing the image myself, it had occurred to me that the bird looked more like a Crow or Raven.

The fact that this happened to be the drawing our friends had shown their visitors, seemed like another occurrence, connecting to the strange Crow events of the day. With this as a jumping off point, I decided to tell everyone about the strange experiences I was having that day.

Everyone thought the whole thing was peculiar and were interested in my experience, but no one had any idea what might have been the causing the phenomenon.

For some reason the whole subject had irritated my better half, and we ended up getting in an argument on the way home about the fact that I had shared my unusual experience with everyone.

“I just don’t see what the big deal is…. Are you sure you weren’t just exaggerating the whole experience?” he complained. “People are going to think you are a lunatic if you go around telling them stuff like that. I’m not sure that I even believe all your crazy stories, these days.” he proclaimed, and would not discuss the matter further.

“Fine.” I replied, completely frustrated. I knew that he was just being his usual conservative-minded self. “You know that anything I tell you is always the truth, at least as well as I can express it…”


“Whatever. He will come around.” I figured. I turned on the radio to help lighten the atmosphere.

I turned on KGO 810 AM radio which had a regular astronomy report. It had just begun…

“In our clear and bright Northern California sky tonight we can see the constellation CORVUS, the Crow…” began the report…

“The constellation is now aligned to be seen most clearly from our vantage point in the northern hemisphere and has not been this visible to the naked eye for several years…” it went on.

Needless to say….My loving partner has not accused me of exaggerating since!

Corvus Constellation - Facts & Features - The Planets


On 05/05/2005 while mediating an argument between two friends, I channeled (quite unexpectedly) the following message:

“Choose five. Pick five to let go of. Pick five to hold onto and stand for. If you can do this you will both be blessed.”

My friends had always (stubbornly) refused to compromise their perspective on a handful of  “root issues” which would inevitably cause reoccurring arguments between them.

I understood immediately that the term “five” ascribed to in the message was referring to unreasonable convictions or dogmas, which I elaborated to my friends.

The inherent wisdom of the message struck a chord with both of my friends and seemed to help free them from their previously rigid vantage points. (One friend in particular, actually wrote the message down and had it posted on her bedroom door for several years.)

A few days after this event occurred, I was checking my email account for the previous week’s mail.

Imagine my surprise upon opening the “Daily Buddhist Wisdom” email I received from for Thursday 05/05/2005  (it was received at 5:55 p.m.) The quote for that day was:

 370}     Cut through five, let go of five, & develop five above all. A monk gone past five attachments is said to have crossed the flood.

(From Dhammapada; the Path of Dhamma / Dhp XXV: {Dhp 360-382} Bhikkhuvagga – “The Monk” or “Monks” as translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.)

Below is an alternate translation of the same text (by Acharya Buddharakkhita.)

 370}     Cut off the five, abandon the five, and cultivate the five. The monk who has overcome the five bonds is called one who has crossed the flood.


December 21, 2012: BALANCE FOR ALL

If it has felt like you have been on an emotional and vibrational roller-coaster this 2012, there is a simple explanation. The “precession of the equinoxes” is a 26 thousand year astronomic cycle of the Earth.

the-precession-of-the-equinoxesFor 13 thousand years (one half) of this cycle there is a positive (light) polarization. The remaining 13 thousand year duration there is a negative (dark) polarization. The repetition of positive-negative cycling results in an “oscillation” (light-dark-light-dark).

The Earth is now coming out of the negative (dark) portion of this oscillating cycle, and is approaching the positive (light) polarized portion of the oscillation.

There will be no cataclysm. There has been an ongoing  dissemination of erroneous information regarding the nature of this phenomenon and the date December 21, 2012.

A good example is Edgar Cayce’s “pole shift” prediction (see below) given on August 11, 1936 (reading # 826-8).

“Question: What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.?”
“Answer: When there is a shifting of the poles; or a new cycle begins.”

Although his prediction was completely accurate, it’s literal meaning was misinterpreted and subsequently used in a  campaign of misinformation.

The truth of the matter is that there is a “singularity” that will occur on December 21, 2012. (This is the “Zero-Point” discussed by the late Terence McKenna.)

Time is a “Binary Fractal” (not a linear/sequential-point straight line, as many people have been lead to conceptualize.) This time fractal  is in the shape of a spiral which has a progressive oscillation. This spiral has a downward trajectory, and oscillates in a spiraling motion, circling faster and faster as it descends (just like one of those coin “Spiral Wishing Wells”  (see video link) that you see at the supermarket.


The technical aspects of the approaching singularity can be found on Wikipedia, here. The “Zero-Point” of singularity occurs when the binary oscillation (1/0) reaches the speed of equal duration. This will occur on December 21, 2012.

Many ancient cultures were aware this approaching date of singularity, and they understood the science of what was occurring completely. They wisely encoded their knowledge of this algorithm into their sacred buildings and calenders for later generations to discover, should the information disappear from “common knowledge.”

Examples of this indigenous wisdom can be found in the Mayan “Tzolkin” calender, the ancient Chinese divinatory system known as the “King-Wen sequence I-Ching”, and in the dimensionally encoded pathways of the Great Pyramid of Giza, in Egypt.

The phenomenon of singularity is somewhat counter-intuitive, as it is occurs on all levels of nature, from the infinite to the infinitely small. This multi-denominational aspect of Singularity accounts for the reason why many people can feel that “something” is going on…

The Quantum dimension is also affected by Singularity. This Quantum level is not located within “Space-Time”, however it is very real and is actually the dimension which allows for our own physical existence. It is the dimension of all things “Etheric” (spiritual). This is the reason why we feel the roller-coaster effects of singularity on ALL levels.

As we head into a new age as a collective, we can choose to celebrate our successful navigation through the last 13 thousand years of dark-oscillation and look forward to an AMAZING age to come!

You are recognized with gratitude! Namaste!


The ONE issue above all others that causes the vast majority of spiritual people to disinherit their highest spiritual potential, (specifically that of CO-CREATOR with GOD) is the INABILITY TO FEEL THE TRUTH… The Holy Ghost never ceases to stress to me how important this skill is. Even if an individual is RESPONSIBLE in every other aspect of life, an inability to FEEL the TRUTH will often prevent many of these people from claiming this ultimate spiritual edification…

The ability to FEEL the TRUTH in any circumstance is a vital tool for successfully navigating life. Typically, any person being considered for the designation of CO-CREATOR will have already developed an intermediate level of ability to FEEL the TRUTH. However, the HOLY SPIRIT is RESPONSIBLE above all else and it is understood that each person is going to develop this skill within their own unique parameters of sacred timing and personal experience.

The ability to discern TRUTH through FEELING is naturally inherent within all people. Unfortunately this ability has atrophied in recent times and over the last few centuries we have nearly lost this skill completely. This problem is caused directly by a spiritual dis-ease. For many individuals, this imbalance results directly from overall neglect of spiritual capacities in favor of more materialistic pursuits, including that of everyday survival.

The same parameters that have limited our growth in the past also define the sacred timing of NOW. At this point in time we can manifest our FUTURE TRUTH by accepting the RESPONSIBILITY for our own spiritual capacity for growth. We only need to be reminded of this spiritual TRUTH…

Each and every ONE of us has within us a remembrance of this intuitive ability to FEEL the TRUTH as a PHYSICAL SENSATION. This ability to FEEL the TRUTH is available for any person who is wise enough to “go inside” themselves and retrieve it. Most people would agree that Indigenous cultures seem to have a deep spiritual connection to the environment and their communities. These people have often nurtured their ability to FEEL as a common-sense tool for discernment of TRUTH. The word INDIGENOUS itself actually denotes this connection meaning both “Original People” and “To bring from within, outward.” This is an especially interesting TRUTH in light of the fact that “The Kingdom of Heaven is inside” of us. The indigenous peoples have always FELT the ORIGINAL TRUTH, which is the understanding that we can literally create “Heaven on Earth” so-to-speak.

There is a great deal of information in-store for THE RECONDITE QUETZAL. Up-and-coming blog-posts will be covering a wide range of TRUTH which the HOLY SPIRIT and I consider to be the most important for edifying God’s people. Many of the TRUTHS I present may seem counter-intuitive at first, while other TRUTH’s may appear to be in direct conflict with the standard, often misinterpreted perspective of belief, pre-established by the default status quo.

The only thing that the HOLY GHOST asks is that you FEEL the TRUTH that an accurate “Base-line information exchange” is best procured through the habit of obtaining the most current information from as many diverse and reputable sources as possible, and then updating your understanding accordingly. Ideally, the TRUTH contained within these sources of information can then be FELT by you on a case-by-case basis. The key to uncovering and then dismissing commonly perpetuated misunderstanding is to adopt the policy of challenging the TRUTH of these predefined perspectives by FEELING the TRUTH for YOURSELF.

The ANOINTED CONSCIOUSNESS, Jesus Christ explained through the parables of the cloth and wineskin, (Matthew 9:14-17; Mark 2:21-22; Luke 5:33-39) that a new paradigm (or new world age) demands a new set of parameters to define itself by. Implicit in this understanding of a new TRUTH is the wisdom that the old paradigm and it’s perspectives were exactly right for the time and people for which those TRUTHS were intended. This TRUTH in-turn is a validation that our new TRUTH, which has been constructed specifically for us,  is perfectly adapted four this new and more complex paradigm.

One of the more beautiful TRUTHS of the universe is that complex systems grow more complex in order to facilitate simplicity. This Quantum TRUTH is true on all levels and is the foundation of principle which explains that our cumulative TRUTH acts a catalyst enabling the growth of GOD. This Cosmo-Genesis is a mutually edifying principle and is the basis of the understanding that we are a microcosm of the macrocosm. Everything that has gone before has facilitated the collection and absorption of knowledge. It would be unwise to apply the construct of a third grade curriculum to a High School level classroom likewise, God does not find it necessary to return to a elementary grade-level which has already been completed. As above, so below…

For anyone who may FEEL that they may benefit from additional information regarding the process of FEELING their TRUTH, I highly recommend the  book “FOCUSING” (by Eugene T Gendilin P.H.D., Bantam Books, 1982.) Please click the link above for a preview version of this text on Google Books.

Namaste!       1432b-truth-small


Let’s talk about the issue of IDOLATRY.

idolatry 2

It is an issue that at least conventionally speaking, I am surprised is even an issue at all. However, there are apparently quite a few people in the world who don’t understand the current energetic distortion of idolatry.

People often consider symbols to be powerful images. This is a TRUTH for many people in our physical plane of existence. People use these material object symbols as visual stimuli to remind them of their personal spiritual aspirations. There is nothing evil or sinister about using these physical reminders.

What really worries me (and the Holy Ghost…) is the surprising number of spiritual people who don’t understand this TRUTH. Many people are under the false impression that there are other people throughout the world who are worshiping these visual reminders as their actual higher power.

There are many belief systems which perpetuate the belief that physical objects can act as a vessel or conduit for spiritual energy or power that emanates from their actual God or Higher Power. This includes many Eastern Religions such has the Bon and Buddhist religions. Additionally there are faiths, such as the Judaic based religions which believe in the power of objects which they conclude literally contain God, such as the Arc of the Covenant.

A lack of  empathetic tolerance for another persons belief system can only be caused by a lack of realization that there are obvious parallels in spiritual and physical mechanism between those belief systems. This lack of empathetic quotient  by a person is directly parallel to a person’s own bias and their inability to FEEL the TRUTH. This is further evidence of their own spiritual shortcomings. It is an unfortunate symptom of ego which would allow for a “spiritual person”  to think that they are superior to someone who uses physical reminders to denote their spiritual beliefs.

Now I don’t know about you, but I FEEL that there is not a single person on the planet who is dull enough to look at a symbol or physical item and actually believe that it is God or any Higher Spiritual TRUTH. I know that this is not what is going on because I can FEEL that people are not that stupid, and therefore I know that it is not the TRUTH.

An “idol” can be defined as “an image or other material object representing a deity or spiritual TRUTH to which worship is addressed”. It is nothing more than a visual reminder of a person’s faith, a means by which people can help themselves remember that there is a spiritual Higher TRUTH to which they aspire. It also serves as a means to help people stay in a spiritual frame of mind as often possible.

It is the natural tendency for the human mind to interpret sensory input (what is perceived visually, audibly or tacitly) as something familiar or more easily understood and therefore accepted.

An example of a different type of sensory input that serves to recall a person’s thoughts to the spirit, are Tibetan “Reminder Bells”. These audible (as opposed to visual) reminders are rung periodically throughout the day to remind the Buddhist Monks to return to the “moment of now” and recall the spiritual HIGHER TRUTHS.

Just as these audible reminder bells carry real physical vibrations that are an integral part of these spiritual TRUTHS, so do physical “idols”which are their visual counterparts.

idolatryThe real and extant danger that idolatry currently presents is not the perceived worship of inanimate objects by others, but rather the grotesque ongoing obsession for material wealth and the abject adoration of infamous personalities in popular media, which include the music and film industries.

We are spiritual souls who still reside in a physical dimension and in physical bodies. Accordingly, individuals often still need physical reminders of things. We use shopping lists, alarm clocks, photographs and all sorts of other tactical input in order to stay “on track” throughout the course of our daily lives. What may have once been misunderstood as idolatry may now be more accurately considered to be a physical representation of spiritual pursuits.


SAMURAI CODE (circa 14th century)
























“If you resist reading what you disagree with, how will you ever acquire deeper insights into what you believe? The things most worth reading are precisely those that challenge our convictions.”

~ Author Unknown
